Seminar Series helps employees reach goals

According to a recent PwC Employee Wellness Financial Survey, 52 percent of employees are stressed over their finances. Are you an employer and asking yourself how you can help your team relieve some of this burden?
SouthPoint offers a complimentary Seminar Series designed specifically for employers who value their employees and their financial well-being. Our complimentary Lunch and Learn Seminar Series can be set up during lunch hours, or a time that is most convenient for your company. Topics include Planning for a Major Purchase, Retirement Planning, Home Buying and Credit Basics. With more than 15 seminars, there’s sure to be a topic for every business.
SouthPoint has a team of experts ready to provide this complimentary service to your company. For more information on how to schedule a seminar, call us at 877-794-6712. To view available seminars, follow this link: Seminars offered at SPFCU.