Why do we ask so many questions when you call or stop into one of our locations?

Have you ever wondered why we often ask questions about your transactions? There is a very good reason for it!
One of our most important jobs as employees of SouthPoint is helping to protect members and their money from fraud, scams, and identity theft. We see these types of events every day in some capacity or another, and asking questions is one of the multitude of ways we are trying to better protect you and your loved ones’ finances and personal information from fraudsters.
Just think of this: when you go to the clinic when you are sick, hospital employees will ask numerous questions to make sure they know exactly who is in front of them and what their needs are. In many ways, that is exactly what we, your Credit Union, are trying to do.
So, the next time we ask to see your ID, or we ask additional questions on a transaction that might be a little out of your ordinary banking habits, just know that we are asking so we can help to protect you, your finances, and your personal information, all while fulfilling our passion – to better serve you, our members.