Do you need to move your financial accounts if you’re moving?
While talking with a member recently, she indicated that she had moved and knew that she had to find a new financial institution but really didn’t want to. I happily told her, “You don’t have to!”
Moving is a common part of life and with it comes many changes, some of which are easier than others. The old way of banking made moving difficult when it came to what to do with your accounts. You were pretty much forced into switching your accounts to a financial institution near your new home. However, times have changed and dealing with your financial accounts is now the easy part of moving!
Simply put, SouthPoint Financial Credit Union can still serve your financial needs where ever life takes you. With online banking, mobile deposit, Money Pass ATM access, and electronic statements there is really no reason to move your accounts to a new financial institution. And, if you find that you have lending needs in the future (maybe even a mortgage for your new home), that can all happen electronically also. At SouthPoint we can give you a full service banking experience no matter where you live!
Check out the details on our website! Feel free to chat with an Agent if you have questions they are there to help!