It’s Time to Review Your Businesses 401(k)

in Newsletter

Retirement plans are an important part of the benefit package that businesses can provide for their employees. This past year has been challenging for business owners and employees as COVID-19, economic and political turmoil have been the dominant themes.

Retirement plans have been challenged by a lack of communication and direction from the advisors that represent them.

Through SouthPoint Investment Services, located at SouthPoint Financial Credit Union, we provide guidance on multiple retirement plan types (401(k), 403(b), Simple Plans, SEP IRA’s, etc.) with a heavy emphasis on education and service for both the plan trustees and the participants in your plan. Offering a 401(k) plan to your employees can be expensive to you, the business owner. We are available to review your businesses plan and offer potential options that could provide better outcomes for you, the plan sponsor and for your employees. This complimentary analysis of the cost of your plan will uncover if we can save you money which could increase your bottom line.

Bob Skillings, Financial Advisor | 706 N German St. New Ulm, MN 56073; 877-794-6712; Direct: 507-233-5624; Fax: 507-233-5601; [email protected]

SouthPoint Financial Credit Union or any other entity appearing on this website is not affiliated with Cetera Advisor Networks LLC. *NOT AN NCUA/NCUSIF INSURED, NOT A DEPOSIT, NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY, NO CREDIT UNION GUARANTEE, MAY LOSE VALUE.

*Consult your legal or tax counsel for advice and information concerning your particular circumstances. Neither Cetera Advisors Networks LLC nor any of its representative may give legal or tax advice. **Securities and investment advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, a Broker-Dealer and a Registered Investment Advisor. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.

Distributions from traditional IRA’s and employer sponsored retirement plans are taxed as ordinary income and, if taken prior to reaching age 59 ½, may be subject to an additional 10% IRS tax penalty.


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