SouthPoint Foundation Scholarship SouthPoint Foundation Scholarship

Collegiate Scholarships

The Scholarship application will open on March 31, 2025.

Scholarship Eligibility

  • Applicant must be a member of SouthPoint Financial Credit Union to apply.
  • Applicant must be a high school senior planning to attend an accredited college or university, or a two to four year community, vocational or technical college. All eligible schools must be accredited by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Applicant must be a full or part-time student at the school you are planning to attend.
  • Applicant cannot be a previous recipient of this scholarship.
  • Applicant cannot be an employee, director or committee member or relative (sibling, niece/nephew, child, step-child, or grandchild thereof) of SouthPoint Financial Credit Union or the Foundation.

become a member

Scholarship Timeline

  • March 1, 2025 — March 31, 2025 Essay applications are accepted
  • April 1, 2024 — April 12, 2025 Essays are evaluated by SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation Scholarship Committee
  • Late April 2025 — Early May 2025 Winners and school will be notified at school award night

Scholarship Guidelines

Essay applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m., CST, March 31, 2025. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Please complete entire application prior to submitting. You are not able to save your application.

Scholarship Application will open on March 1, 2025.

Disbursement of Funds and Accountability

  • The recipient will receive proceeds for the 2025 fall semester
  • A check will be issued directly to the appropriate department/office at the educational institution once the Foundation has been notified that registration has been completed (made payable to the institution for the benefit of the recipient).
  • Recipient must show proof that they are registered for at least 12 credits during the fall semester (a letter of acceptance is required at the time of application or if selected as a recipient, at the time the acceptance letter is received. Verification of schedules will be done at the time of disbursement).

One essay application per person. Essays not within the guidelines will not be accepted and will render the applicant ineligible. Submitted application must be received by 11:59 pm on March 31, 2025. Mailed applications will not be accepted. Acceptance of scholarship will constitute permission for Foundation to use the winners’ names and likeness for purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation. Winning essays may be published in the SouthPoint Financial Credit Union newsletter, website and social media sites. All entries shall become property of the Foundation and cannot be returned. Foundation will not be responsible for lost, damaged, illegible, incomplete, or misdirected entries.

Past Winners

SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation awarded $10,000 in scholarship money to SouthPoint members who are continuing their education in 2024-25.

Congratulations to the 2024-25 Scholarship Winners:

  • Aaron Black, Gibbon; Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School
  • Avery Alberts, Hutchinson; Hutchinson High School
  • Isabelle Webb, New Ulm; New Ulm Public High School
  • Joseph Fingland, New Ulm; Cathedral High School
  • Kaitlin Donnay, New Ulm; New Ulm Public High School
  • Landin Nelson, North Mankato; Mankato West High School
  • Lindsay Hose, New Ulm; Cathedral High School
  • Matthew Otterness, Saint Peter; Saint Peter High School
  • Noah Simonsen, Sleepy Eye; St. Mary’s Catholic High School
  • Zachary Riederer, Sleepy Eye; Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School

SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation awarded $10,000 in scholarship money to SouthPoint members who are continuing their education in 2023-24.

Congratulations to the 2023-24 Scholarship Winners:

  • Louis Hertling, Ramsey; Anoka High School
  • Laura Bertrang, New Ulm; New Ulm Public High School
  • Jerome Schlinger, Waconia; Waconia High School
  • Andi Huselid, Elk River; Elk River High School
  • Brooke Hanson, New Ulm; New Ulm Public High School
  • Briana Burtzel, Lowry; Alexandria Area High School
  • Aleasha Fischer, Stewart; Hutchinson High School
  • Heidi Weber, St. Peter; St Peter High School
  • Nathaniel Janssen, New Ulm; New Ulm Public High School
  • Charles Vacek, Waconia; Waconia High School


SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation awarded $10,000 in scholarship money to SouthPoint members who are continuing their education in 2022-23.

The foundation received 89 applications. Congratulations to the 2022-23 Scholarship Winners:

  • Marcarious Amoah, New Ulm; New Ulm High School
  • Kayla Goblirsch, New Ulm; Cathedral High School
  • Trey Heiderscheidt, Sleepy Eye; Sleepy Eye Public School
  • Julia Helget, Sleepy Eye; Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s
  • Violet Hovland, Springfield; Springfield High School
  • Brady Jensen, Hutchinson; Hutchinson High School
  • Kyle Quensenberry, Springfield; Springfield High School
  • Abigail Riederer, Sleepy Eye; Minnesota Valley High School
  • Connor Snow, St. Peter; St. Peter High School
  • Sophia Voller-Berdan, Duluth; The Marshall School

SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation awarded $5,000 in scholarship money to SouthPoint members who are continuing their education in 2021-22.

The foundation received over 80 applications. Congratulations to the 2021-22 Scholarship Winners:

  • Regina Surprenant, Sleepy Eye; St. Mary’s High School
  • Alyssa Hrdlicka, St. Peter; St. Peter High School
  • Austin Hiles, Winthrop; GFW High School
  • Victoria Thormodson, Madelia; Homeschool
  • Justus Borgwardt, New Ulm; Luther Preparatory School

Recipients were selected based on response to an essay prompt discussing how their money management habits changed during the pandemic, and how they used SPFCU’s products and services to reach their goals.

SouthPoint Financial Credit Union Foundation awarded $5,000 in scholarship money to SouthPoint members who are continuing their education in 2020-21.

The foundation received nearly 60 applications. Congratulations to the 2020-21 Scholarship Winners:

  • Emily Appel, New Ulm Public High School
  • Kyle Goblirsch, New Ulm Cathedral High School
  • Noah Koller, Le Sueur Henderson High School
  • Nolan Hovland, Springfield Public High School
  • Rachel Hohensee, New Ulm Public High School

Recipients were selected based on response to the essay question of Credit Unions are cooperatives. Using one of the seven Principles of Cooperatives, how would you convince a friend or family member of the value of using a credit union compared to other financial institutions?

The seven Cooperative Principles are:

  1. Voluntary and Open Membership.
  2. Democratic member control.
  3. Members’ economic participation.
  4. Autonomy and independence.
  5. Education, training and information.
  6. Cooperation among cooperatives.
  7. Concern for community.

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