Dollar Dog rewards for good grades

in Newsletter

Hey, kids! Dollar Dog here. I hope you’ve been studying hard at school this year! Because I know how well you’ve been doing, I want to give you $1 for every “A” you earn on your report card! Do you know how fun it is to save money? I’ll show you!

It can be hard to save money when we see things at the store we want. I have trouble saying no, too! One of my favorite ways that I like to save money is by using four little banks. I label each jar with either SAVE, SPEND, INVEST and GIVE. Here’s how I use them!

“Savings” bank:

The money in my “Savings” bank is used when I want to buy a larger item, like a big dog bone or a year supply of tennis balls! You might use it for a new art set, bike or video game!

“Spending” bank:

My “Spending” bank money gets used for items I like to buy more often. When you go to the grocery store with your mom or dad, do you like to get a pack of gum or maybe a candy bar? That would be a good time to use your spending money!

“Investing” bank:

An “Investing” bank should be used for money that will be used several years from now. Your EzStart account is a great place for your investing money because it earns more interest. Interest means that the longer your money stays in the bank, the more money you earn. How cool is that?

“Giving” bank:

Something I like to do a few times a year is buy items for my friends, or even people I don’t know! It makes me feel nice to do something for someone else, especially when I know they could use a surprise. With your “Giving” bank money, maybe you could buy a new toy to bring to Toys for Tots, or a toy drive at your school or in your community!

You might be thinking, “Dollar Dog, how do I get money to even put in my four banks?” That’s easy, I’ll give you money! After you get your report card, bring it in to SouthPoint.  For every “A” (or highest letter grade your school gives), SouthPoint and I will deposit $1 into your account!

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