Staying healthy at work
We all strive to be productive and efficient at our workplace. In order to give our best to our careers and our families we need to take care of ourselves by getting sufficient rest, nutrition and exercise.
While many jobs present special concerns in maintaining a safe, healthy, work environment; construction, mining, and farming are just a few that come to mind, many of today’s workers spend much of their day at a workstation on a computer. Spending 8 hours a day or more in a sedentary state presents special health concerns as well.
You may have heard this word before but are unsure of what it means. The definition of ergonomics is the study of how a workplace and the equipment used there can best be designed for comfort, efficiency, safety, and productivity. Making sure your work space is set up to fit you can help lessen muscle fatigue, lower back strain and prevent possible carpal tunnel syndrome.
The Mayo Clinic recommends a visual makeover of your workspace in order to help you feel your best at work and home. This article explains that taking a few minutes of your time to examine and adjust your work space and practice good posture can go a long way to helping you optimize your health to live your best life.