Protect Yourself While Shopping online With Verified By Visa

Online shopping can be a scary venture, especially in today’s world where it’s becoming more common for your debit or credit to be used for fraudulent activity.
Here at SouthPoint, we do everything we can to help protect your online shopping experience by partnering with Visa.
Protect yourself
Verified by Visa is a free service from Visa that helps protect your debit and credit card(s). This is done by asking for additional verification when an online purchase is made. You can shop online at a variety of websites and know your debit and credit card information is secure.
Simply activate your card for Verified by Visa in one of two ways:
2. Sign up while you’re shopping online. Just look for the Verified by Visa logo and follow these steps
For added security, sign up for Visa Checkout as well. Visa Checkout allows you to easily pay online at your favorite stores with a single sign in. Participating stores include Kohl’s, Best Buy, Walgreens, Marriott, Starbucks, Ticketmaster, etc. Click Here to get a full listing.