Fee Schedule

Listed Fees apply to all accounts:


Fee Schedule is effective as of February 1, 2024

*Item refers to any transaction type such as ATM withdrawals, debit card transactions, preauthorized automatic debits, telephone-initiated transfers or other electronic transfers, if applicable, to avoid implying that check transactions are the only transactions covered. **Does not apply to EzMoney Checking. ***Only available for members utilizing this option as of 2/19/2022.

Notary Fee

Free to members

Visa Gift Cards

$3 each

Returned Deposited Check - in branch or mobile

$10 per item

Wire Transfer Fee

$15 U.S.; $50 International

Levy Fee


Non-Member Check Cashing

$10 each

Credit Union Check Fee

$5 per check when the amount is under $3,000.

Account Research

$30 per hour; 1 Hr minimum - Research applies to any account activity printouts including printed statements.

Foreign Fee

Returned Item - $30; Processing - $15

Coin Exchange

Free to members; 10% for non-members

Return Mail/Statement

$5 per item

Stop Payment Order


Check Copies with Mailed Statement

$5 per month***

Printed Items/Photo Copies (includes Statements & Check Copies)

$5 per item. Account Research Fee applies to 6 or more statement copies.

Credit Card Replacement


Credit Card Rush Mailing Fee


Following fees apply to savings accounts:


Dormant Fee

$15 per quarter if there is only a membership account and that account has a balance less than $500 and has had no activity for 1 year. This does not apply to minor accounts.

Inactive UrChoice Savings

$15 per quarter for all inactive secondary savings accounts with a balance less than $500 and no activity for 1 year.

Premium Savings (only)

$10 per month if balance falls below $2,500.

+Health Savings Account (HSA)

An Annual Handling Fee of $10 will be automatically deducted on the anniversary date of opening the account.

Holiday Club Savings Account

Requires minimum of 1 monthly deposit to account. Loss of interest if funds withdrawn prior to payout.

Following fees apply to checking accounts:


Non-Sufficient Funds/Overdraft Fee

$25 per item*

EzMoney Non-Sufficient Funds/Overdraft Fee

$15 per item*

Inactive Checking

$15 per quarter if no activity occurs within that quarter.

Debit Card Replacement


Personal and Business Check Order Fee

Standard Design Checks: 1 free box per year
Designer Checks: See catalog for current pricing

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